You are here: People Management > Adding Households > Adding Household Members

Adding Household Members

Individuals can be added to households at any time through Fellowship One or Fellowship One Check-in.

Note: You must have the People Edit security right to add individuals to a household in Fellowship One. No special security rights are required to add individuals through Fellowship One Check-in.

Individuals can be added as household members, visitors, or extended family. This is known as the Household Position. Available positions are: Head, Spouse, Child, Other (extended family), and Visitor. Visitors are displayed in a special area on the individual record called Household visitors, which is separate from household members. Other (extended family) are displayed with your household member listing.

ClosedHousehold Visitors

ClosedHousehold Members with Other (Extended Family)

In the household record, a Show Visitors link is available in the Household members grid to display all visitor information.

ClosedHousehold Members from the Household View

To add a household member:

  1. Type a name or partial name in the People Search field and press Enter. A list of search results appears.
  2. Click the name of a person in the household you want to work with to display the individual record.
  3. Click Add an individual in the Actions area in the right hand column. The Add an individual form appears.
  4. Complete all required fields. You may also click More fields to display additional fields.
  5. Click Save this individual. The new individual record appears where you may continue adding information as necessary.